This January I experienced a teaching first - I studied Lunar New Year (also called Chinese New Year) with my kindergarten class. Let me tell you, we all loved it and learned so much! I had a little one join our class this year, having moved here from China, as well as a few other students who are also of Asian descent, so I knew I wanted to try it this year. However, as it isn't something from my own culture, I needed to do some learning on my own first. From there, I created some resources that I wanted to use with my class, which you can find here if you are interested: . The storytelling area in my classroom is very popular, so I chose a book to model it after and then collected the materials needed. The book "Ruby's Chinese New Year" is a really fun story, it talks about traditions of the Lunar New Year as well as explains the twelve animals of the Zodiac. I chos...
I teach full day kindergarten (FDK) in Ontario, Canada. I've been teaching since 2010, and in kindergarten specifically since 2012. I like getting creative in the classroom, and making resources and activities for young learners! Thanks for stopping by! Find me on Instagram at @fdk_learnandplay and on Pinterest at FDK Learn and Play!